
Our ethos is centered around love, the love of Aphrodite.

Positive difference, laughter, and smiles are the end goals we aspire to deliver.
ROI is a natural corollary.

Our commitment is to helping REAL businesses spread their authentic message and connect with customers in a human way.

Person yelling through red megaphone

Valentine International is committed to transforming the world

into a place of joy, creativity, and unrestrained self-expression.

Join us in this revolutionary celebration of life and liberty.


The Mission Of Valentine

Valentine International , conceived in a Modern Greco-Roman Hedonistic Revolution-Revivalist spirit, is dedicated to bringing much needed pleasure & leisure to this dull & drab world in which we so often live to work rather than work to live.

The Mission of Valentine is one of many fronts.

To promote the celebration of life, the embrace of love, and the jubilation of spiritual liberty. We believe EVERYONE deserves a space for self-expression, where individuality is celebrated and cherished.


Build a platform in which EVERYONE can express themselves freely and without restraint or constraint; in which they can separate from the disruptively distracting unwanted static noise.


To create a hub of inspiration and creativity, where users are surrounded only by what they desire, fostering an environment ripe for artistic and personal growth.


Build a platform in which small and local artists and businesses are given the visibility and traffic which they merit, rather than being immediately overshadowed by those with more money to spend but less merit in them.


To bridge physical and digital experiences and infuse them both with authenticity, unapologetic self-expression, and the ecstasy of genuine human connection.

Bridge the gap between activism, philanthropy, pleasure, eudaimoniaism, socialization, and commerce, creating a unique space where each aspect enhances and intensifies the other and where each aspect connects diverse individuals and unifies them under common grounds----the grounds that love can solve all.